Correct Penis Curvature By Using A Sizegenetics Extender

Peyronie's Disease Picture

Peyronie’s disease

If your one of the many men who have a curved penis, often diagnosed as Peyronie’s Disease (also known as Induratio Penis Plastica), then you know all too well the pain and anguish that can accompany a bent penis.

Whilst for many men this is nothing but a normal condition, for others with more severe degrees of curvature pain during erection or intercourse can be quit painful and lead to problems in the bedroom. For other men it can be the psychological stigma that can come with a curved penis, being afraid to be naked in the locker room or in front of an intimate partner, either way it can lead to sever physiological problems in particular a loss of confidence in the bedroom.

 The GOOD News is you can help correct your penis curvature by using a Sizegenetics extender


How does it work?

A Sizegentics extender gently stretches the penis over time resulting in a straighter penis, by effectively “stretching out” the curve.

The device can be discretely worn under clothing and when being worn for prolonged periods of time the extender will continue to work to further straighten out the penis curvature.

The device is then worn for a number of weeks for up to 5 hours a day, with noticeable results visible within a few short weeks.


Will Correcting Curvature Result in a longer penis?

A lot of men are quite pleasantly surprised to find that as a result of straightening out their penis by using a Sizegenetics Extender they have gained an inch or even 2 in length!

An added bonus of using the Sizegenetics extender is the device is mainly marketed toward penis enlargement, so you stand to gain anywhere upto 3 inches after using the device for a prolonged period of time.

To learn more about how you can use a Sizegenetics extender to help remedy your penis curvature take a look at the following link – Click Here

alternative to surgery

Is it Medically backed?

The device is classified as a Medical Device Type 1 by the European Health Authorities.


Leading UK Urology Specialist,  Wendy Hurn recently released a world wide research paper which concluded that Sizegentics is a real alternative to surgery for correcting penile curvatures, you can read the paper here


How much does it cost?

The Cost of the deice ranges from $199 for the base model up to $399 for the deluxe kit. For Penis curvature correction you only need to buy the $199 device, but if you are interested in enlarging your penis and improving both penile and sexual health you may be interested in feature packed deluxe kit (full details on the order page below), also make use of the discount code below to save a further $50 off the purchase of any model.

This may seem expensive to some, but when you compare it to the thousands of dollars corrective surgery can cost, its is comparatively very cheap.


All Sizegenetics models come with a 100% 6 Month Guarantee if you do not see any results


Beware of Imitation devices

There are many “knock offs” currently on the market, these are inferior devices and in some cases down right dangerous and can do more harm than good. If you want to try to correct your curvature ensure you use a Sizegenetics device, Learn More Here

Read Our SizeGenetics Review – Click Here


Discount Code

Order Via the link below and enter discount code PAY50 when filling out your payment details to receive $50 off the price of the device!

Order Your Sizegenetics Device Here
size genetics discount

Note: All Sizegenetics Devices Are Discretely Shipped



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